Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Teaser Audio Clips: Cr(e)ate Output

I have an exclusive mix for urb online coming out so I just wanted to give you guys a little sample of what to expect.  It's a mix of Earth, Soul, and Funk.  It'll be out soon so please have patience.  It's one of those mixes you work on, listen to it later, then change over half of it.  I had to take a lot of good stuff but put a lot of other musical gems.  It's just one of those things.  It all sounds different a second time around...

Sampler 1:

Cr(e)ate >Output<: Sample by DJ_Mista_B

Sampler 2:

Cr(e)ate >Output< Sampler II by DJ_Mista_B

*I'm already working on a part two for those who gave me tracks.  Thanks to all for the love!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Best of 2010: 1B "Skratchpad Unite"

Skratchpad 2010 Finale

The Skratchpad 2010 Finale featured a group of DJs from the Bay Area that represented the past, present, and future. It was a dope event to bare witness to and I'm proud to be a part of an event that brings unity in a community. The line-up was something that you could charge for but there is a sense of "give back" with the people that take part at skratchpad. It's sorta like a big "Scratch Picnic" because everyone brings equipment and skills for a fun night. Big super up to Cellskiii & Deeandriod, Erica, Windsor, Johnny Krush, Dalton for keeping it alive and to everyone else that helped in their own unique way. Stay tuned for more as Skratchpad will get more involved with others.

Full audio of the night:
Skratchpad: 2010 Finale

Skratchpad: 2010 Finale Recap Video